Sometimes, I wish I were an angel. Sometimes, I wish I were you.


SS Peiper -from which those "attracting" materials



SSPeiper可以拿来当小说看,强迫症型考据党不推荐购买。1934-1945之间基本时间点和重要事件是正确的(比如Peiper何时进入布伦瑞克军官学校,在东线如何带领的几次军事行动)但是细节很少基本没有,大篇幅被脑补占据(等下我会说到)。【整本书的关注点在Dachau Trial,前面的所有叙述都是对最后介绍审判的铺垫。作者的观点很明确,主要揭露审判的整个流程中的各种问题。】风格奇妙,作者自行发挥/脑补多,很有感染力(affective),很多场景容易让人产生身临其境的感觉,会造成读者的情感波动。

Just as time and fate had selected him for a hero, time and fate also selected him to become a victim of the war Germany had lost.
·作者如何看待Dahau Trial?
What happened at the trial of Jochen Peiper was no advertisement for either American justice or democracy, save for the actions of those few brave Americans who stood up for Peiper. Later it would be shown that the evidences against him had been obtained from his men by threats, promises, beatings and sometimes outright torture. But in the years that were to follow, it no longer mattered. Jochen peiper had been branded as a war criminal and the rest of his life was ruined . Thus perhaps the end when his killers came for him he was glad to accept his death , glad that at last it was all over. Who knows? Peiper was never a very talkative man.
对我没写错,这本书一开篇就是murder如何找到隐居的Peiper烧了他的房子的故事……竟然是从那个murder的视角写的?!我感觉受到了惊吓😄Thanks to不乐意负责的法国警察,Peiper的死到底是怎么回事也没有定论,只能说因为过去被某些人找上门的可能性很高。
It had come to his attention that a small group of Jews had been rounded up by the Italians locally to be deported to Germany . Peiper had no particular love for Jews , but these were German and from his home town , Berlin .In his usual high-handed fashion , he demanded the Italians should release them to him; then he set them free . The grateful Jews were profuse in their thanks and their leader, a rabbi, asked if there were anything they could do for
this SS officer who surprisingly enough had saved them . Peiper said there was . One of the group was a kantor , he understood . Nearby a high-ranking Party Official was livin , who apparently loved to hear
good singing . Could the kantor lead the group in some song, preferably in Yiddish? The rabbi said they would be only too pleased to oblige Peiper. Thus in the early hours of the following morning just after dawn, the 'golden pheasant', safely locked in his billet, was wakened by a choir of Jews singing Yiddish folk songs!
Once , in a lull in the fighting , he decided to learn to fly. After one lesson with the pilot of the divisional spotting plane, he decided to go solo and invited the battalion M. O to go with him. The doctor was frightened out of his wits.
"But you can 't fly! "he protested. "And why do you need me to go with you ?"
"It's simple,"Peiper answered smoothly,"If I do make it successfully, then I' ve got you as a witness that I am now a qualified pilot. If I don't," he shrugged carelessly, "well, it ' ll be very handy to have a qualified doctor right at hand .
Peiper made it , but the doctor nearly didn ' t.


4. Dachau
。Malmedy Massacre 实在太复杂,不适合在这种简单的书评里说明。想知道Malmedy相关的可以转Charite的Lo,那里正在更Malmedy Show系列^_^或者上YouTube,有视频(迷妹舔舔舔)。



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